Place born
Organisation / Person
1717-c.1955, button maker, Birmingham

Hammond Turner and Sons Limited

1717 - 1955

1718-1807, physician; clergyman, English

Willis, Francis

1718 - 1807

active 1749-1806, sundial maker; optical, mathematical, philosophical inst. maker & natural philosopher, British

Nairne, Edward

1726 - 1806

1716-1794, naval surgeon; physician, Scottish; British

Lind, James

1716 - 1794

1716-1774, lecturer and professor of anatomy, Italian

Manzolini, Anna Morandi

1716 - 1774

1728-1793, surgeon; anatomist, Scottish

Hunter, John

1728 - 1793

active 1720-?, surgical instrument maker, English?

Savigny and Company


1724-1793, active 1754-1793, print seller; publisher; map seller, English

Bowles, Carington

1724 - 1793

1722-1809, physician, Austrian

Auenbrugger, Josef Leopold

1722 - 1809

1724-1792, civil engineer, English

Smeaton, John

1724 - 1792

1716-1772, civil engineer, English; British

Brindley, James

1716 - 1772

bap. 1723, d. 1791; active 1747-1784, optician, Welsh; British

Watkins, Francis

1723 - 1791

active 1725-current (2009), hospital, English; British

Guy's Hospital


1715 or 1716-1794, horologist; marine escapement and watchmaker, London, England, English

Mudge, Thomas

1715 - 1794

1724-1792, medallist, Austrian

Wideman, Anton

1724 - 1792

1723-1777, architect; interior decorator, English

Pritchard, Thomas Farnolls

1723 - 1777

1725-1793, cartographer; hydrographer, French

Roux, Joseph

1725 - 1793

1727-1805, chemist, Irish

Woulfe, Peter

1727 - 1805

1799-1883, architect, English, British

Cubitt, Lewis

1709 - 1883

1720-1778, inventor of the spinning jenny, English

Hargreaves, James

1720 - 1778

Boulton, Matthew

1728 - 1809

c. 1717-1786, artist; printmaker; anatomist, French

Gautier d'Agoty, Jacques-Fabien

1717 - 1786

1721-1793, physician; surgeon, English; British

Mudge, John

1710 - 1793

Hedges, Nick


1728-1808, ironmaster; industrialist, English; British

Wilkinson, John

1728 - 1808

1722-1765, discoverer of tungsten; mineralogist; chemist, Swedish

Cronstedt, Baron Axel Fredrik

1722 - 1765

1779-1780, gigantic infant, English; British

Everitt, Thomas Hills

1702 - 1780

1721-1788, artist; painter, British

Wilson, Benjamin

1721 - 1788

active 1749-1783, mathematical instrument maker, Strand, London, England

Sisson, Jeremiah

1720 - 1783

1728-1809, mechanical engineer, manufacturer; entrepreneur, English; British

Boulton, Matthew

1728 - 1809

active 1770s-1780s, marine chronometer maker; watchmaker, English; British

Emery, Josiah

1725 - 1794

Black, Joseph

1728 - 1799

c1716-1788, active 1756-1788, mathematical instrument maker, English; British

Troughton, John

1716 - 1788

active 1735-1790, chronometer maker; watchmaker, London, England

Kendall, Larcum

1719 - 1790

1715-1781, industrialist; manufacturer of silk textiles, English

Roe, Charles

1715 - 1781

1718-1783, physician; anatomist; man-midwife, Scottish; British

Hunter, William

1718 - 1783

1728-1799, chemist; physician, French-born; Irish/British

Black, Joseph

1728 - 1799

1723-1792, artist; art theorist, English; British

Reynolds, Sir Joshua

1723 - 1792

1720-1789, transfer printer, English

Sadler, John

1720 - 1789

1723-1781, apothecary; chemist, British

Dalmahoy, Alexander

1723 - 1781

1727-1817, chemist; botanist, Dutch-born; Austrian

Jacquin, Nicolas Joseph

1727 - 1817

1728-1779, explorer, navigator; mariner; cartographer, English; British

Cook, Captain James

1728 - 1779

1728-1812, physician; naturalist, German

Bruckmann, Urban Friedrich Benedict

1728 - 1812

1720-1814, horologist; inventor; clock and watchmaker, French

Lepine, Jean Antoine

1720 - 1814

1785-1867, surgeon; astronomer, British

South, Sir James

1710 - 1867

b. 1728-fl. 1786, artist; engraver; printmaker, English

Godfrey, Richard Bernard


1728-1800, physician; surgeon; administrator, Italian

Brambilla, Giovanni Alessandro

1728 - 1800

1726-1765, printmaker; artist; draughtsman; engraver, British

Walker, Anthony

1726 - 1765

1726-1790, engineer; surveyor and founder of the Ordnance Survey, Scottish

Roy, William

1726 - 1790

1724-1968, book publisher, London


1724 - 1968